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Chinese translation for "sand dab"


Related Translations:
dab:  vt.1.轻敲,轻拍;轻抚 (sth.)。2.〔美俚〕在…上摁指纹印。短语和例子a plaster to be wetted and dabbed on 润湿后轻轻敷上的膏药。 dab one's forehead with a handkerchief 用手帕轻拍脑门(搌汗)。vi.轻拍,轻敷;涂擦 (on, at);(鸟)啄。n.1.轻打,轻拍;轻抚。2.涂擦。3.啄。
sand:  n.1.沙。2.〔 pl. 〕 沙滩,沙洲,沙地,沙漠。3.〔 pl. 〕 沙粒;(计时用的沙漏中的)细沙。4.光阴,时间,寿命。5.〔美俚〕勇气,毅力,胆量,坚毅。6.【医学】砂状结石。7.【地质学;地理学】含石油砂层。8.粗矿石;尾矿;【冶金】模砂。 9. 砂色;带红的黄色。10.〔美俚〕砂糖。短语和例子quick sand 流沙。 play on the sands
Example Sentences:
1.Sand dabs are in season
2.To protect me , he would take his belt off and latch me to the bench on the pier . then we would sit on the end of the pier catching the little sand dabs and mackerel . that is the way i started fishing
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